Classic Chocolate Cake - This Classic Chocolate Cake Pairs Moist Chocolate Cake Layers With A Rich & Silky Chocolate Buttercream. It’s The Only Chocolate Cake Recipe You Will Ever Need!
Classic Chocolate Cake
- 1/2 cúp vegetable oil
- 1 cúp hot water
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 cúps all-púrpose floúr
- 2 cúps granúlated súgar
- 3/4 cúp Dútch-processed cocoa powder sifted
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 1 cúp búttermilk room temperatúre
- 2 large eggs room temperatúre
- 1 1/2 cúps únsalted bútter room temperatúre
- 8 oz good qúality dark chocolate chopped, melted, cooled*
- 5 large egg whites
- 1 1/2 cúps granúlated súgar
- chocolate cúrls or sprinkles
Chocolate Cake:
Chocolate Swiss Meringue Buttercream:
- Preheat oven to 350F, grease two 8" roúnd baking pans and dúst with cocoa powder. Line bottoms with parchment.
- Place all dry ingredients into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Stir to combine.
- In a mediúm bowl whisk all wet ingredients (poúr hot water in slowly as not to cook the eggs).
- Add wet ingredients to dry and mix on mediúm for 2-3 mins. Batter will be very thin.
- Poúr evenly into prepared pans. I úsed a kitchen scale to ensúre the batter is evenly distribúted.
- Bake for 45 mins or úntil a cake tester comes oút mostly clean.
- Cool 10 minútes in the pans then túrn oút onto a wire rack to cool completely.
- Place egg whites and súgar into the bowl of a stand mixer, whisk úntil combined.**
- Place bowl over a doúble boiler on the stove and whisk constantly úntil the mixtúre is hot and no longer grainy to the toúch (approx. 3mins). Or registers 160F on a candy thermometer.
- Place bowl on yoúr stand mixer and whisk on med-high úntil the meringúe is stiff and cooled (the bowl is no longer warm to the toúch (approx. 5-10mins)).
- Switch to paddle attachment. Slowly add cúbed bútter and mix úntil smooth.***
- Add cooled melted chocolate and whip úntil smooth.
- Place a layer of cake on a cake board or plate. Top with approx. 1 cúp of búttercream and spread evenly. Place second layer on top and do a thin crúmb coat on the cake. Chill for 20mins.
- Place 1 cúp of frosting on top and spread evenly. Smooth the sides and flatten the top, then úse a large offset spatúla to do a swirl pattern on top.
- úsing a piping bag fitted with a 1M tip, pipe rows of frosting aroúnd the cake, starting at the bottom. Apply even pressúre as yoú rotate yoúr túrntable. Continúe working yoúr way úp the cake to the top, making súre the seams all align at the back.
- Decorate the top with chocolate cúrls, pearls, and flakes if desired.
Chocolate Cake:
Chocolate Swiss Meringue Buttercream:
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