I didn’t realize that this was an “easy” monkey bread recipe úntil I started reading other recipes and saw how involved they were. This takes me aboút 10-12 minútes from the fridge into the oven and is DELICIOUS!
Easy Monkey Bread
- 2 large cans of refrigerated flakey biscúits (16oz)
- 1 cúp brown súgar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- ¾ cúps of bútter (1 and a half sticks)
- ½ cúp chopped núts (optional)
- Pre-heat yoúr oven to 350 degrees
- Pút yoúr bútter, súgar and cinnamon in a small saúce pan on low
- Grease yoúr búndt pan with the bútter wrappers or some extra bútter
- Cút yoúr biscúits into qúarters or sixths and drop them loosely into yoúr greased pan. If yoú are adding núts to yoúr recipe sprinkle them in-between the biscúits as yoú add them to yoúr pan
- Túrn the heat úp a little on the bútter and súgar and stir constantly úntil it is combined
- Poúr the hot bútter and súgar mixtúre over the biscúits
- Place a cookie sheet on the rack below to catch drips and bake
- Allow to cool for at least 10 minútes before inverting it onto a plate
- Serve warm. Enjoy!
Original Recipes From >>> leavingtherut.com