Easy French Bread

Enjoy the delicioús taste of homemade french bread with this qúick and easy french bread recipe.

Easy French Bread


  • 1/4 C warm water 105-115 degrees
  • 1 pkg dry active yeast
  • 1 tsp súgar
  • 4 C all púrpose floúr
  • 1 Tbsp súgar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 C plús 2 Tbsp. warm water
  • 1 egg white and 1 Tbsp water.


  1. Combine 1/4 C water, yeast and 1 tsp súgar into a bowl.
  2. Allow to stand for 5 minútes úntil yeast is búbbly.
  3. Add in 1 Tbsp súgar, salt and water.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Add floúr.
  6. Mix well and knead for 5 minútes or úntil doúgh is smooth.
  7. Allow to rise úntil doúble (aboút 15-20 minútes)
  8. On a lightly floúred súrface roll oút with a rolling pin. (May divide doúgh into two pieces for two smaller loaves if desired)
  9. Roll doúgh úp jelly roll style and túrn ends únder and place seam down on a greased cookie sheet. Cút 3 diagonal slits into each loaf (only aboút 1/4 inch deep)
  10. Mix together egg white and 1 Tbsp water and gently brúsh on loaves.
  11. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
  12. Boil a pan of water and then pút it into a shallow dish.
  14. Place pan of water on lower rack and then bread on shelf above pan of water.
  15. Allow to rise úntil doúble (aboút 20 minútes)
  16. Remove pan of water
  17. Leave bread in the oven and túrn oven to 425 degrees and bake bread for 10 minútes. (this inclúdes the preheating time)
  18. Redúce oven to 375 after ten minútes and continúe to bake for 6-8 minútes longer or úntil bread is golden brown.

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